SOLVINGS is an independent law firm providing high-end legal services from offices in two major Lithuania‘s business cities – the capital city of Vilnius and Klaipeda the country‘s major sea port.
Though SOLVINGS is a full services business law firm we are not the firm offering all things to all clients and we do not intend to be. Our practice is focused almost exclusively on servicing multinational corporations, financial institutions and investment funds.
SOLVINGS has grown substantially having invited excellent professionals, most of whom have more than a decade of experience in their fields. Our clients recognize that the best service is service custom fit for them. We work as an integrated and dedicated team to focus on our clients – we are proud to represent some of the world‘s best known businesses.
SOLVINGS is a business-driven organization. We understand our clients and their needs, and work to manage the power of law to bring them optimal business solutions.